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AASD LifeTouch contract Feedback
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Thank you for taking the time to provide input on the service that your school has received from LifeTouch. AASD elementary and middle schools are in Year 3 of a 4 year contract with LifeTouch for School Photography and Yearbooks. This information is very important as we will use your input to provide feedback to LifeTouch on the service that they are providing and to request changes for the upcoming school year.
School Pictures
How satisfied are you with the school photography service provided by LifeTouch?
Very satisfied
School Pictures Feedback
Please list positive feedback that you have regarding LifeTouch School Photography service
School Pictures Feedback - issues/concerns
Please list any issues or concerns that you have experienced with LifeTouch school photography service
How satisfied are you with the Yearbook service provided by LifeTouch?
Very satisfied
Yearbook Feedback
Please list positive feedback that you have regarding Lifetouch Yearbook service
Yearbook Feedback - concerns/issues
Please list any issues or concerns that you have experienced with the LifeTouch Yearbook service
Sports Photography (Middle Schools only)
How satisfied are you with the Sports Photography service from LifeTouch?
Very satisfied
Additional comments
Please provide any additional comments regarding the service that LifeTouch has provided at your school. Thank you!!
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Example: 12
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