SPEAK Grants

Horizons Old Befana Performance

The Legend of Old Befana Performance at Horizons

Project SPEAK provides opportunities to students by filling in the gap where there is need in our classrooms. We understand that there are circumstances that inhibit many of our schools from providing the experiences and the resources that enhance a child’s learning experience. This program aims to support our schools through awarding grants to teachers and administrators.  SPEAK Grants are approved by a parent/teacher selected board with members from all of the Appleton clusters.  By our example, we will teach our children about the importance of giving back to our community, that we are all connected.

 It’s about our community …

Sharing our resources so that we may …

Provide support that …

Encourages opportunity for all by taking

Action for our



Sharing Resources:
This involves the sharing of ideas, working collaboratively to provide similar opportunities for all schools. There are struggles that each school faces that, by working together, we can help to alleviate.

Provide Support:
Creating a fund that is supported by city-wide PTA through fundraising, grants, donations that will financially support where there is need. This fund would be used as a means to “level the playing field” for all children in our schools.

Encouraging Opportunity:
We believe that opportunity and exposure opens a child’s world and allows them to engage in their learning experience in a meaningful way. This opportunity and exposure should be available to all children in our District.

Providing a volunteer network that gives people in our community an opportunity to connect in meaningful ways with our students enriches the lives of both student and volunteer. There is a need in many of our classrooms for this kind of interaction and these connection points with children are critical.

The force that binds us together, the most valuable asset. By example, we will come together and inspire our children to become benevolent adults that will give back to their communities. This is an investment that will yield an immeasurable return. Ultimately, Project SPEAK is about strengthening our community by connection. It’s about encouraging people to find their voice and providing a stage to use it… to SPEAK.